Crann Padraig

Crann Padraig Skerries is an environmental group in Skerries that promotes the planting and care of broad-leaf trees. It encourages people of all ages to care for the nature and nurture of the town and its environs.

To date many of the people in Crann Padraig have planted broad-leaf trees, and many more trees have been donated to various groups in Fingal (Schools, sports clubs and wherever permission to plant has been granted).

Over the years, many politicians including the Late Minister for Finance Brian Lenihan have planted trees donated by Crann Padraig.

Commemorative trees, where trees were planted in people’s memories, are a feature of Crann Padraig’s activities. Some are planted in Ardla Cemetery and at various sites of people’s choosing.

The Nursery at Ardla, which is owned by Fingal County Council, was planted, replanted and the extracted trees which would have been saplings at the time were passed on to particular groups. The planting has been so successful that the nursery is now a small copse that has some magnificent semi- mature trees growing there.

The members are always open to suggestions of further planting. However, it is the ethos of the group that it does not conflict with commercial or private planting.

Many thanks are due to

  • the people who started Crann Padraig
  • the people who continued with it
  • those who helped in any way, especially the ones who did the back-breaking work of cleaning, digging, maintaining and planting
  • Fingal County Council for their co-operation and land use and the provision of equipment.

Crann Padraig is happy and proud to have played its part in enhancing the environment as part of the Skerries Community Association and will continue to do so where possible bearing in mind the physical effort involved and time constraints as all involved are volunteers.


This page was last updated on 26 June 2014.