Congratulations to Sabine McKenna of Sustainable Skerries, who has received a Fingal Mayor’s Award in recognition of her outstanding contribution to the community! Sabine was nominated for the award by Skerries Community Association board of directors. 230 nominations were submitted and 24 people (including Sabine) received awards. The awards were presented by the Mayor of Fingal, Cllr Howard Mahony, at a magnificent reception at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Blanchardstown on Thursday 1st June 2023. We believe she was also nominated by a Skerries resident. Here is the citation that we submitted:
Sabine’s passion for the environment and determination to improve sustainability and resilience in Skerries are infectious. She chairs Sustainable Skerries, leading and growing an active committee and volunteer group.
She drives numerous projects – promoting climate action, circular economy, waste reduction, biodiversity, S.L.O.W. food, and organic gardening. Her focus is always on community, promoting local initiatives and positive changes.
In 2022, Sabine secured funding for and organised a bespoke course on sustainability for 24 local participants, who became inspired to make change in Skerries. Sabine ran the inaugural Skerries Eco night with organisations and individuals from Skerries, sharing ideas and stimulating action. The follow-up event took place on 27th April, on how to further improve biodiversity.
With ChangeX funding, she organised local volunteers to plant 30 fruit and nut trees in Open Orchards around Skerries. Inspired by this, Fingal County Council funded 70 more trees in 8 Skerries locations to be enjoyed for years to come. She is also organising Skerries’ first Eco Festival, with FCC funding, bringing together groups from Skerries to demonstrate their eco initiatives and easily-adopted sustainable practices.
Sabine was an outstanding board member and secretary of Skerries Community Association for several years. During this time, she set up and ran a committee to establish Skerries Coder Dojo – a coding club for children and teenagers, established Skerries Neighbourhood Networks, and ran the online communications and a children’s Minecraft project for Skerries Soundwaves arts festival.
Her contribution to so many aspects of life in Skerries is simply incredible!
Being interviewed by Marty Morrissey – MC for the eventEnjoying the celebrations! Sabine and her guests for the evening: Jane Landy, Helen Scullion, Ernestine Woelger and husband Michael McKenna
As every year in the run-up to the Annual General Meeting (to which everyone in Skerries is invited!), the chair and the committees of the Skerries Community Association look back on the past twelve months.
We have put together reports and photographs, which will be delivered to households in Skerries over the next week or so.
It will also be available in our community centre, in Skerries Library, Skerries Mills, and in some of the local supermarkets.
And we are also publishing it here (below), for your convenience.
Will we see you at the AGM? It will take place on Thursday 15 June from 8 pm in the Little Theatre, Old Schoolhouse, Skerries Community Centre. There will be refreshments!
Click on the link below if you’d like to see the full PDF.
Cycle or walk with us for better active travel conditions in Skerries!After a summer of monthly evening cycles, now it’s time for the big one:
Join us for the SkerriesLight Up Your BikeCycle and Walk on Thursday 22 September to mark the launch of Fingal County Council’s Skerries Active Travel Consultation, as well as European Mobility Week.Early Option: Come to Barnageeragh Monument (close to the coast road, near the apartments) at 7 pm if you’d like to join us for a coastal walk / slow coastal cycle. At the White Cottages, the walkers will continue up Balbriggan Street and turn right into Dublin Road, then left up Martine Court / Millhill Park to Skerries Mills. The cyclists will take a longer route and meet them there at 7.30. 7.30 Option: You can join the growing group of cyclists and walkers at Skerries Mill Car Park at 7.30 pm for the main cycle / walk.The walkers will head across the playing fields and towards the Catholic Church to Floraville, while those on wheels will take the long way round to Floraville, where we will all assemble at about 7.45 pm for a final walk / cycle around the triangle of Strand Street, Thomas Hand Street and Church Street. Let’s make ourselves as brightly lit up as possible, with bicycle bells in good working order, to create a lively presence!
All children must be accompanied by an adult who will be responsible for them during the event.
Background: Earlier that Thursday, 22nd September, the Active Travel Feasibility Study for Skerries will be officially launched in Floraville Park from 12 noon to 4 p.m. Drop by during the day if you can!
The public consultation will run for six weeks from then. This will include face to face interviews and surveys (using paper forms as well as online). Everyone will be invited to give their views on how they would like to be able to move around Skerries, whether on foot, on bicycles and tricycles, mobility scooters, skates, private car, go-car, community car as well as taxis and public transport.
There will also be workshops aimed different stakeholder groups including school goers and older residents. Look out for more information in our next blogpost! So we hope to see many of you on Thursday night, 7 pm at the Barnageeragh Monument or 7.30 pm at the Skerries Mills Car Park / 7.45 pm Floraville Park. Let’s light up our streets and show how much support there is for active travel in Skerries!