Have you seen Himalayan Balsam?

Himalayan Balsam is a pretty pink plant that was first introduced to Ireland as a garden plant, but it soon found its way out of gardens and into the countryside, where it has been spreading rapidly ever since.

In Fingal, its spread seems to be limited to two sites in Skerries, and the Skerries Tidy Towns group and Fingal County Council are keen to eradicate this invasive species.

The plant is an annual with scented, purplish-pink, slipper shaped flowers in June–August. When the large green seed pods are mature they explode when touched, scattering the seed far and wide to start new infestations next year. The seeds float and are spread further by water movements.


If you have seen Himalayan Balsam around Skerries when out and about, please let us know. To report Himalayan Balsam locations please email your sightings to biodiversity@fingal.ie

Please try to provide a map or a precise location with reference to the proximity of local features.

“En marche!” in the Canton of Guichen

“En marche!” is the name and slogan of the new political party of Emmanuel Macron who hopes to revitalise France.  Equally you could apply it to the group of Skerries walkers who have just spent an enjoyable week walking and hiking in the Canton of Guichen.  A 30-strong group of all ages and interests, intent on exploring the walkways and trails, were accompanied by five teenagers, who were able to sample secondary school life during their week-long stay.

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Online volunteering opportunity

SCA have prepared draft policy documents on:

The draft documents have been prepared by members of Skerries Community Association using online guidance from a number of government Departments and agencies but without input from persons with expertise in the areas involved. Before adopting them as official SCA policies the Board of Directors would like to have the documents reviewed by a person or persons with relevant expertise who could give constructive suggestions to improve the drafts.

​If you have expertise in any of the three areas and would like to review one or more of the documents please email: secretary@skerriesca.com indicating which document you would like to review. ​ This can then be forwarded to you in an editable format such as a Word document.

​SCA wishes to adopt the documents at their next AGM in September and would be happy to acknowledge the contribution of the reviewer(s) who contributes to improving the documents.

Posted in SCA