In September, Fingal County Council came out to Skerries to launch the Green Dog Walker Campaign. The Mayor, a Dog Warden, an Environmental Officer and lots of dogs, as well as Skerries folk and their dogs, and of course our Chairperson all were at the South Strand on the day to help with the launch.

Fingal Co Co launches its Green Dog walkers campaign in Skerries. From front left, clockwise: Tiger. Fingal’s Mayor, Mags Murray. Ciara Leonard, Chairperson, Skerries Community Association. Fingal Litter Warden Tony Law, and his dog Roxy. Photo by Kevin Mcfeely
Let’s hope that this initiative will contribute to a safer, doggy-do-accident-free walking environment in Skerries!
Green Dog Walkers is a regional programme. It is a non-confrontational, friendly way to change attitudes about dog fouling.
Volunteers wear a Green Dog Walkers armband which signifies that they have “taken the pledge” to always:
- clean up after their dog
- wear the armband or put the Green Dog Walkers collar on their dog when walking
- carry extra dog waste bags
- be happy to be approached to ‘lend’ a dog waste bag to those without
- be a friendly reminder to other dog walkers to clean up after their dogs
Sounds good, doesn’t it? And you can still join! All you have to do is sign the Green Dog Walkers Pledge – either online (follow the link) and return by email to or post to the Environment Department, Fingal County Council, County Hall, Swords, Co. Dublin. A Green Dog Walker armband and a bone dog bag dispenser will then be posted to you.